Various Religions of Djinns - Haripur Today

Monday, 22 July 2019


Various Religions of Djinns

 Various Religions of Djinns
As for the pious and Muslim djinns, we need not to worry about  driving  them  out  of  our  houses;  rather  their strength and goodness may come helpful for us. However, wickedness  and  trouble  making  is  not  tolerable  even  of human beings let aside of djinns.
 It is a fact that djinns include all types of individuals: good and bad; Muslims and pagans; Jews and Christians as Quran clearly points out.
Before the prophethood of Muhammad (SEXK), djinns were allowed to go up near the doors of the heaven and eavesdrop on a few Diving words from angles conversation. Then back down on earth, they would pass on those words with lots of fabrications and concoctions to their followers and they fooled common folk claiming that they knew the future.  When after the prophethood of Muhammad (SEXK) they got banned from climbing up to heaven, they grew anxious to know the main reason which restricted their eavesdropping. Some of the djinns undertook to find out the actual reason for the restriction. They roamed around from east to west and north to south. A few of them happened to pass by the Makkah city and heard Prophet Muhammad (SEXK)  reciting the Glorious Qur’an. Hearing such unique, unprecedented and impressive words, they understood that it was  the  guidance  that  restricted  their  transgression.  They went away and informed their brethren:
Verily, we have heard a wonderful Recitation. It guides to the Right Path and we have believed therein (this Qur`an) (Al Djinn, 72: 1, 2).
It shows that they were disbelievers, who later accepted Islam. Thus, there emerged two categories of them; Muslims and non-Muslims.
More they said:

And we shall never join in worship anything with our Lord (Allah).(Al Djinn,72: 2).

It  indicates  that  some  of  them  were monotheists  and some polytheists.
Further it was said:


And He, exalted is the Majesty of our Lord, has taken neither a wife nor a son (for offspring or children).”(Al Djinn,72: 2).

This  tells  that  some  of  them  were  Christians,  who believed that Allah Almighty has wife and son.
More, they said:

“And that the foolish among us(i.e.Iblis or the atheists among the djinn) used to utter against Allah that which was an enormity in falsehood.(Al– Djinn,72: 3).
 This verse clearly establishes that some of them, out of their foolishness, were habitual of attributing their false ideas to Allah and spread a set of lies on the name of religion and revelation.

From the above paragraphs, it has been proved that there are various sects and religions among djinns; but still their basic rights are intact. All that could be done is to punish wrongdoers as in human cases, but their rights cannot be denied. There is even a juristic debate if humans and djinns can intermarry.

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