Man Selected for Knowledge and Divine Revelation - Haripur Today


Sunday 25 October 2020

Man Selected for Knowledge and Divine Revelation


Man Selected for Knowledge and Divine Revelation

Only human got chosen for Divine revelation, prophet hood and Sharia. Revelation means sending down knowledge, sheer knowledge with utmost precision. If said otherwise, only humans have been favored with Divine knowledge, which makes a symbol of greatness and gives him   a   distinctive   feature.   The   distinctive   feature   of something implies that it is not found elsewhere. So in other words, Divine knowledge distinguishes humans, and it is known to all, that if the distinctive feature of something is removed it loses its essence.

From this, follows the corollary that human without the Divine knowledge is not a true human, for he lacks the essence of humanity, though he looks like a human.  Human means not flesh and blood in human frame but the essence of humanity is the Divine knowledge, which makes a man human. According to the above reasoning, man without Divine knowledge is not an actual human being but just a human shape devoid of human essence, which is quite worthless.


If we make a statue of a horse completely looking like a real horse, would it be called a horse in real sense of meaning or serve anyway or make fair money when sold? Never! Because it is a fake horse. The valuable thing is the essence not outward appearance, as nobody replaces the human mannequins, because they are not real and cannot be substitute for real humans.


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