Angels Rights in Islam - Haripur Today

Monday, 22 July 2019


Angels Rights in Islam

Angels Rights in Islam
The same is the case with angels too. They too have rights and live in this world, with some in heavens and some on the earth. According to a prophetic narration, there is not even a little place in the heaven where angels do not exist and worship. Heavenly angels are different from those who live on the earth; their abode is where they live and it is forbidden to push them out.  For example, angels like fragrance and dislike bad smell. Thus, it is desirable to perfume the environment and purify the place where angels assemble from bad smell. Therefore it is Islamically recommended to burn incense in mosques so the angels feel at ease, and forbidden to enter there after having something that stinks.
A Hadith says that angels pray for people sitting in a mosque as long as they do not pass wind. The moment they nullify their ablution angels stop praying, because they feel uncomfortable and turn their face, as though we, doing so, displace them; while we have no right to discomfort them. It is narrated in a Hadith that when somebody lies, it brings about an unpleasant odour which forces angels away from  the  place,  as  if,  a  liar  causes  angels  to  run  away. Nobody has right to disturb them and occupy their place when they are on duty, but it is quite fair to cast those nasty ones out, who deserve not to come in the holy places, such as Satan runs away hearing the Adhaan, the call for Salah and he should be cast out. Angels feel at ease with Allahs names. So to stop uttering them is like snatching what they feed on, and would be as much unlawful as to trouble them with mean words or actions. Like humans and animals, angels too enjoy rights to be protected with care.

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