Monday, 25 June 2018




AlertIntroduction: It is a signal that says the body is having difficulty maintaining its narrow temperature range. The heart pumps faster, blood is diverted from internal organs to the skin, breathing rate increases, sweating increases, all in an attempt to transfer more heat to the outside air and cool the skin by evaporation of sweat. If the body cannot keep up then the person suffers effects ranging from heat cramps to heat exhaustion, and finally to heat stroke.
(1).Main point: (HEAT)
v  Heat is not defined by temperature alone. Heat
 related problems might appear at various
 temperatures due to variations in clothing, work
 condition, workload, individual fitness and
 environmental factors.
 (2). Discussion Points: (CAUSE OF HEAT STRESS)
v  People working in an open area of exposed to direct
v  People working continuously without rest periods.
v  People engaged in manual type of work
v  People over exert themselves.
v  Physically unfit people.
v  Profuse sweating.
v  High body temperature.
v  General body weakness.
v  Muscular cramps.
v  Pale skin.
v  Dizziness or fainting.
v  Nausea or vomiting.

v  Wearing light colored, cotton clothes and keeping your shirt on—desert nomads do not wear all those clothes for nothing.
v  Drink plenty of water even when not thirsty.
v  Avoid hot food and heavy meals.
v  Avoid drink that contains alcohol & caffeine.
v  Do not over exert yourself, work at steady peals.
v  Take regular breaks in cool place.
v  Drinking water frequently and moderately (every 15-30 minutes—about a glassful). Because most of us already consume excessive salt in our diets, salt tablets are NOT recommended for general use.
v   Doing jobs that are more strenuous during the cooler morning hours.
v    Utilizing the ventilation or fans in enclosed areas.
v  Remembering that it takes about 1-2 weeks for the body to adjust to the heat; this adaptation to heat is quickly lost—so your body will need time to adjust after a vacation too.
v    Avoiding alcohol consumption. Many cases of heat stroke have occurred the day after a "night on the town."


v  Inform the foreman or safety officer
v  Bring the person in a cool place
v  Loosen clothing & give cold water
v  Send person to clinic or nearest hospital.
Special thanks to Mr. Parmesh Kar (EHS Officer - Al Jaber Group- ICAD 2 Project)

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