Haripur Chappar Road Accidnet 01 Person Die - Haripur Today

Monday, 6 November 2017


Haripur Chappar Road Accidnet 01 Person Die


Haripur Chappar Road Accidnet 01 Person Die and another is serious injured

Haripur - Jattipind a motorbike rider on the Haripur Chappar  road was killed and another seriously injured, according to details, Bilal S/O Akhtar Nawaz and his colleague Abdul Basit S/O Maskeen motorcycle number F6841, belonging to the Jettipind area of ​​Haripur, was hit by a vehicle coming from front According to police, Bilal was die at the spot and Abdul Basit was seriously injured. Abdul Basit was in jured in critical condition due to the indient and forwared to civil hospital haripur for medical aid. Haripur police log a complain to vehicle driver and took action to arrest.
Dead-body of Bilal referred to the his native village after the post-martial.

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