United States Presidential Nominating Conventions - Haripur Today


Tuesday 10 November 2020

United States Presidential Nominating Conventions

 United State Presidential Nominating Conventions 

the United States has held presidential nominating conventions for almost 200 years, and they have served in recent decades as an important televised introduction to each party's candidate in the final months before the election. there conventions were once a place where presidential nominees were decided, often after multiple ballots and long fights, often among party elders in "smoke filled rooms". But has not happened in decades. The Last time a nomination was in much doubt as a convention opened was 1976, when Republican President Gerald Ford held off Ronald Reagan in Kansas City, Missouri.

The Last convention to go beyond a first ballot was in 1952 in Chicago, when Democrats chose illinois Governor Adlai Stevenson. 

Now, the nominees are chosen by voters in a state-by-state series of primary elections, with delegates from each state ratifying the choice at conventions that are designed to showcase the party's candidate and message.

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