Saving the Future - Haripur Today


Tuesday 10 November 2020

Saving the Future

Saving the Future

Every single prediction presented in this article made by scientists has a human connection. They are consequence of irresponsible human activities that can only be solved by human action. A nuclear war can be avoided by the complete destruction of all nuclear arms by all countries. 

Shutting down of all biological and chemical weaponization programs will put and end to the risk of future fallout. saving forests and reducing pollution can help reduce the dangers that climate change posed for future generations. To deal with possible disease pandemics, better lifestyles have to be promoted, and the ban on the sale of trafficking of exotic animals has to be implemented to reduce the chances of contacts between humans and diseases-carrying animals. Many of the current living human beings will not be around when that future comes, but their action today affect the people who will be present then, therefore, saving the future has to being now rather than later.

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