Direct Address to Human Beings - Haripur Today


Sunday 25 October 2020

Direct Address to Human Beings

 Direct Address to Human Beings

Allah Almighty addressed humans directly and gave them Shariah. He talked to them through revelation and sent among them prophets and messengers. Sometimes he talked to those messengers directly as in the case of Moosa (pbuh)

on Mount Sinai and in case of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the       Night  of  Ascension;  while  sometimes  He  addressed through angels. Sometimes the angel would remain in his original form and messengers ascend to angelic form while sometimes angels descend to human shape and messengers remain in human form. The Quran says in this regard:


It is not (possible) for human beings that Allah speaks to him, except by way of revelation, or for behind a curtain, or that He sends a messenger and he reveals with his permission, what He wills. Surely, He is All-High, All-wise.  (Ash-Shaura,



In first condition, the Prophet (pbuh) would reach up to angel’s heart and receive revelation. The angel would remain in his original shape in this case and the Prophet (pbuh) had to ascend to sublime angelic nature, therefore, it used to be much harder on the Prophet (pbuh).

In  second  condition,  Allah  Almighty  talks  directly which used to be with curtains in between, where eyes did not see Allah and only His words were heard.

 In third condition, the Prophet (pbuh)  remained in his humanly form, and the angel would descend to human form and reveal the Divine message. Revelation came in all the three aforesaid ways.




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