Why does the ISI have a Markhor Symbol? - Haripur Today

Wednesday, 17 July 2019


Why does the ISI have a Markhor Symbol?

Why Does the ISI have a Markhor Symbol?

Markhor means is Snake Eater, Markhor is a Parisian word. Markhoor is national animal of Pakistan and is found largely in Pakistan, Afghanistan and other countries.

the use of such animal is exclusively  available in this specific region. the use of such animal as a logo shows that the Agency is Solely East. it has own standards and very specific methodologies and perspectives of Life. it does not adopt new conditions and is the hardliner when it come to the Identity.
the snake is symbol of bad fortune, enmity and certain other negative attributes. Makhoor eats snake (Dangerous and piosonous specices for humans) and in the meanwhile is a noble animal. So the Logo depicts that " We don't hate our enemies we just neutralize, the poison in their blood". 

Markhoor is well adapted to mountains terrain, and can be found between 600 to 36000 meter in elevation and lives near cliff edges.

the species is near to extinct but does not adopt a changed environment which shows its devotion to its habitat. the death is acceptable to Markhor but do not compromise on the home and family.

 Since Karachi was Pakistan first capital ISI started its operations from a small one story building with a Skeleton staff. since its an Inter service personnel from all three uniformed services of Pakistan armed forces as well as civilians were recruited in ISI.

Long Live ISI..... Long Live Pakistan


  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    Markhor is a Persian word in which "Mar" means "snake" 🐍 and "khor" means "eater" so it's meaning becomes "snake eater".


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