What do you know about Pakistanis???? - Haripur Today

Wednesday, 17 July 2019


What do you know about Pakistanis????

What do you know about Pakistanis?
this statement written by Ms. Esther Nathalie Sanots (Smart Grid Engineer) during his job in Pakistan. She Writes that :- 
  • Most Hospitable people i have ever know. 
  • they won't always say what they think / want.
  • weddings are a hugged  business over there. 
  • everything turn around the religion,  ISLAM in this particular case. But i was very touched when, while in a Mosque, somebody asked me where i was from, and as i answer, they guessed correctly that i was a Christian. The young gay said " but it really does not matter what you are... what is important, is that you are a human". then i truly understood that the white part of their flag really DO stand for the minorities. 
  • People of Pakistan are very open and are not afraid to approach you on streets. 
  • People are very happy that tourism is slowly returning to Pakistan, and they will demonstrate it by being super hospitable. people on the streets you have never met will invite you for tea, Soda, or whatever is near. 
    • they really do not like India (Not Indian as people, but india as country), but they do love indian movies at least that was my impression... kind of guilty pleasure. 
    •  Many Pakistani truly believe India is the one Sponsoring terrorism. 
    • they are very proud of their Army and ISI. 
    • they are really fighting terrorism hard, and one could even sat they are winner. 
    • Good hearted people in general. 
    • Women's are respected, but we Westerns cannot really understand the way they do it: when  a man refuse to talk a women and instead talks to the man next to her, it is not because he think less of the woman, but because he is respecting her by not talking to her.... i know, it is hard to far us to understand, but that's the way they see it.

there is some other comments shown below:- 


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