Role of Quaid E Azam in the Creation of Pakistan - Haripur Today


Sunday 18 October 2020

Role of Quaid E Azam in the Creation of Pakistan

Role of Quaid E Azam in the Creation of Pakistan

Had there been Jinnah, there would have been No Pakistan

Speaking about the principle action in the final act of transfer of power from the British to Indians H.Y Hudson, the author of perhaps the most authoritative British accounts of imperial retreat from India. The great divide says that:

Of all the personalities in the last act of the great drama of India’s rebirth to independence, Muhammad Ali Jinnah is at the most enigmatic and the most important;

Leonard Mosley: even regards Pakistan as a one-man achievement. 

Role of Quaid E Azam

Quaied E Azam was not always of Quaied E Azam, Mr. Jinnah Paid a heavy price to become Quaid E Azam. Jinnah whose true political career started from when he joined Muslim league in 1913, become politically a well-known figure by the episode of lucknow ensuring give a new shape to the evenest ensuring gave a new shape to the drama of politics in India. The slogan of Hindu-Muslim unity provide shot lives.

The failure of khilafat movement at the Nehru report classified the Muslims mind from the illusion of Hindu-Muslims unity. During this course of events, it was no body but Jinnah who interposed his person by the dint of his initiative and courage. He became successes in defending the Muslims cause so gallantly those evil designs of Hindus points saved the Muslims from the octopus of the congress.

Struggle for Pakistan

The most critical phase of the Muslims struggle in the sub-continent comes during the period 1937 to 1947, Ehen Quaied E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah proved himself to the Real founder of Pakistan. It was no one else than Jinnah who re-organized Muslims league during the crucial period of Indian history 1937 to 1939. They had not only lost 1937 election but also lost his moral. At this critical juncture, Jinnah resurrected the Muslims league like a phoenix from its ashes. Had there been no such reorganization the league would have seen the same fate in 1945 to 1946 general election.

The historical situation during the 1937 to 1947 decade presented and permitted or two alternative paths of development of Muslims politics i.e :-

  • ·         Going along with the Congress view point or
  • ·         Striking out an independent line.

 These alternatives paths were presented at least on seven different, but specific accessions 1937, 1939, 1940, 1942, 1945 and 1946. But no one accession did Jinnah Waver, and each time he choose for himself and Muslims India the path towards establishing Muslims, religion Political identity on a constitutional plane. The path concertized since 1940 in the Pakistan platform.

Starting from Jinnah presidential address, to all India Muslim league at lucknow session 1937, he always remained emphatic over the Muslims separatism and independent line of action for the league. Thus by the binning of 1940, Muslims Politics took a new significant turn, and departed from pre 1937 policy. Jinnah’s presidential address on 22 March, 1940 at Lahore is a hallmark in the history of Muslims nationalism in India. He made the concept of two nations theory clear and our rightly rejected the idea of Indian Nation. The historic resolutions that ensured his address, become the clarion call, as well as morning star in the two hundred years dark night of the slavery of Indians Muslims. The mole which was roaming aimlessly in the desert of despondence started marching towards its destination under the leader ship of capable, brave and upright leader indeed the great leader M.A. Jinnah.

The cripp’s proposal a devise of British diplomacy to appease Indians and to jet their co-operation in the 2nd world war against axis powers was an evil design to counter the Muslims demand for separate homeland. Nevertheless, non-accession clause append the way for partition of country. The information of Pakistan, as resolved in 1940, was dump by other clause of formula. It was Jinnah’s who perceived the mischievousness of the scheme and out rightly rejected the plan.

It is true that Jinnah accepted the cabinet mission plan initially, but his acceptance, though genuinely sincere at the time, primarily motivated by the fact that the plan contained       the seeds of Pakistan. The plan provided for a somewhat limited Muslims religion political identity in a nonfederal India with the prospects of Pakistan after a decade, if the proposed arrangement failed to work to the satisfaction of the Muslims.

It may be argued that the fateful decision to continue boycott of the constituent assembly, after having got the Muslims League entrenched in the interim government in October 1946 was solely Jinnah. This decision led directly to his majesty’s government’s decelerations of 6th December, 1946, and of 20th February, 1947, which paved the way for the partition. Not only in regard to this constituent assembly boycott decision but several other crucial decisions during the moments 1937 to 1947 decade as well, Jinnah alone mattered, and Jinnah alone or for the most part, determined the cause. Muslim India                 and Muslim politics were to traverse.

03rd June plan of Lord Mountbatten and Radcliff award, no doubt, eclipsed the Muslims optimism of  restoring their land by the right justification of numerical majority of the areas (epically Bengal and Punjab) yet is was Jinnah’s sagacity to handle Mountbatten who had no intention to give Jinnah a Pakistan. The allegations against Jinnah’s had not expediency other than to accept the offer, because refusal of the offer must have amounted to be lingering on the process of transfer of power.


Indeed, even as late as June 1946 whatever the political forces and conditions at work likely and more imminent choice, and it was Jinnah alone who made the crucial decision that led Muslim India directly to Pakistan within a year that transformed the possibility if a independent Muslims homeland into actuality. Thus Jinnah’s person was crucial and critical in the making of Pakistan. The whole world acknowledgment that had there been no Jinnah there would have been no Pakistan and the nation rightfully acclaimed him Quaid E Azam the great leader.

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