Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Preaching to Djinns - Haripur Today

Monday, 22 July 2019


Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Preaching to Djinns

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Preaching to Djinns

It is narrated in a Hadith that once a delegation of djinns from Naseebeen came to Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (pbuh) and requested, O messenger of Allah! A group of our brothers has assembled in a place, you are cordially requested to come over there and deliver some wise words and let us know commandments related to us as well as answer some of our queries”. The Prophet (pbuh) went there with Abdullah Ibn Masood (ra).When the Prophet (pbuh) reached the foothill where djinns were assembled, he drew a circle and said to Abdullah Ibn Masood (ra) to stay within it. Abdullah  Ibn  Masood  (ra)  reports  that  he  saw peculiar people passing by the circle but unable to enter, though   their   voices   were   heard. The   Prophet   (pbuh) delivered  to  them  words  of  wisdom  and  taught  Islamic commandments; one among them was that humans should avoid using bone to purify themselves after responding to natural call, because bones serve as provision for djinns. Violation of their rights to livelihood, therefore, gets prohibited, as a Hadith says that when humans take meat off bones  and  throw  out,  djinns  get  them  full  of  meat.  The Hadith also states that humans used bones for purifying themselves    after    attending    the    natural    call.    Djinns complained about it to Prophet (pbuh) and he prohibited its use for this purpose. All this insures the protection of djinns’ rights and we are not allowed to interfere with them. Likewise, it is unlawful to remove them from their abode unless they cause trouble.

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