Creation of Animals - Haripur Today

Thursday, 25 July 2019


Creation of Animals

Creation of Animals
There may crop up a question ,Had animals got wisdom, what might have gone wrong? Following sentence answers it. The purpose animals have been created to meet requires no wisdom; instead it hampers the fulfillment of the purpose. The purpose of their creation has been encapsulated in the following verse:

“And cattle He has created for you (men) from them you drive warmth and numerous benefits, and of their (meat) you eat. You have a sense of pride and beauty  in them as you drive them home in the evening, as you lead them forth to pasture in the morning”.( An-Nahal,16:5-6)
So you weave warm, woolen cloths and blankets out of animal fur. There are multiple benefits in their skin as it may be used as covering, bed sheet or for decoration or making tents to live in.

 And of their meat you eat. You use their meat as provision. 
  With these animals,  you add  to  your status and  reputation and make a show of it. You use them in the processions at special events, be it national, official or of family. With expensive saddles, luxurious howdahs and golden cradles set on the back of horses, elephants, camels and mules, you come out with pomp and splendor and put forth extravagant display of your rank and position.

“And they carry your loads to a city where you were not able without putting yourselves to arduous labor.”( An-Nahal,16: 7 )

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