Protection of Animals Rights in Islam - Haripur Today

Sunday, 21 July 2019


Protection of Animals Rights in Islam

Protection of Animals Rights in Islam


Protection of Animals Rights in Islam

Islamic Shariah has well taken care of animal rights the same way as it has protected human rights. It is narrated in a Hadith that once a camel came to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and kept on carrying. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) called its owner and Said “ The Camel complains me that you overload him” He Replied “ O, Prophet (PBUH), it is right. I am sorry to commit such a bad deed. Now I repent and shall never repeat the same ( Abu Daud).
Some companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) caught nestling while their mothers were hovering overhead fretfully. The Prophet (PBUH) got them freed and said, “ why do you rob their freedom and hurt their mothers?.”  (Abu Daud).
Prophetic tradition has forbidden urinating near a hole, because there might be living an insect or worm and you cause discomfort to it. Such guidance goes in favour of both, you and insects; on your part the avoidance of possible harm caused by the insect in response to discomfort; and on insects’ part the avoidance of disturbance and spoiling their abode, which you have no right to do.
One day Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) went out of Madinah. He saw a deer roped to a hook in a villager’s house. the deer cried as he saw the Prophet (PUBH) and said that the villager caught her and her fawns were wailing because of hunger and requested the Prophet (PBUH) to free her for a while, so that she could suckle her fawns.  
The Prophet Muhammad (PUBH) said, “ I swear, I shall keep my word” will you?” the deer replied, “ I swear, I shall keep my words” the deer came back as promised, and the Prophet (PBUH) fastened her with rope again. Later the Prophet (PBUH) related story to the villager and recommended him to set the deer free. He set her free. Leaping in happiness. She joined her fawns in hills with a word of blessing for the Prophet (PBUH). (Abu Daud)

The story makes it abundantly clear that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has taken care of everyone’s right. Considering the maternal affection of deer and the state of fawns, he untied the rope so that the deer does not get hurts as fawns die out of hunger, and fawns do not lose life. And taking the human rights into account, he roped the deer again to make it a point that humans enjoy the right to catch wild animals and domesticate or use them, and no body can interfere with this right. 

If we analyze the story from another viewpoint / angel, it teaches us to keep our promise. When an animal is asked to be true to his word, wise human being is much more expected to keep his word, and also makes clear that if truth leads to deliverance for animals, as the deer got freedom, why it should not entail salvation for human being in both the world and Hereafter.
Islamic jurists write, there must be grazing grounds in the countryside devoted for domesticated and working animals where they can graze freely, enjoying their right to food and freedom.
Good natured and gentleman always take care of animal rights. Moulana Miyan Asghar Hssain (RA) the rector of Darul Uloom Deoband always had small  pieces of bread left on roofs after having meal taking it as birds’ right that had little particles of food put near the holes for ants, for it is right of the poor and tiny insects.
Prophetic traditions tell us that it is unlawful to hurt and annoy any animal. A pious woman had been thrown into hell only because she imprisoned a cat and did not about its food and water, which led to the cat’s death. On the other hand, a prostitute had been sent into haven only because she saved the life of a dying dog by quenching its thirst. The detail is available in the books of Ahadith.
Islamic Shariah advised not to slaughter an animal before another animal of the same kind, lest it goes wild in panic after seeing its sister specie being slaughter. 


Animals too have right to live in peace and freedom and have proper sustenance and shelter. We are bound to protect their rights and prohibited to do anything that infringes upon their rights. However, if there is an animal is feral and causes unrest, it may be imprisoned or killed. Behold, this treatment is no way particular with animals. If a human being poses a threat to society, he is also either sentenced or executed as per the severity of crime; so the rest may live with a sense of security. Therefore, dangerous animals like snake and scorpion are not given refuge even in Haram, and we are advised to kill such animals before they bring any harm. But such treatment does not affect animal rights anyhow.

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