Role of Muhammad Ali Jinnah as Governor General of Pakistan - Haripur Today


Monday 23 November 2020

Role of Muhammad Ali Jinnah as Governor General of Pakistan


Role of Jinnah as Governor General


The man who piloted the ship of Muslim freedom movement and ultimately brought it to the shores of independence was not destined to live long after the realization of his age long dream. His sagacious during the struggle for independence is uncountable.

It is highly unfortunate from a man who dedicated all his life to transform the dream of Iqbal into reality, to die after (shortly) realization of poets dream. The freedom movement drained even the last once of the energy out of him. The lord gave him slightly more than a year to look after the newly created stated. Due to precarious health he could not dedicate all his time to build the fabric of infant state. But in more than a year, in face of enormous problems, he did lot for the consolidation of Pakistan.

The real assessment of his achievement as Governor General can only be made if we go through briefly over the problems which were faced by Pakistan in its early year of independence.



(1 (1)- Administration

i)        A part of the Government record was destroyed during transit through Indian territory

ii)       Personal for Government were yet to be assembled from various provinces.

iii)     Lack of trained staff in Government Departments.

iv)    Disorganization in communal system.

  • (2)   Defense
  • (3)   Riots in Punjab
  • (4)   Economic Constraints
  • (5)   Rehabilitation

But in spite of all these problems, Jinnah did a lot to extricate the infant state from unthinkable difficulties. He was successful to redress there problems turn by turn.


Revival of the Doornad Spirit

He had realized that the moral of the public was a lowest off. He therefore decided to rehabilitate and restore the confidence and morale of the people. He delivered inspiring speeches which filled people with enthusiasm. His words make a profound impression on the public and mitigated the existing despair and tension.

His first stem was to address the Government servants in Karachi on October 11th 1947; Quaid E Azam gave a clarion call to the assembled officials of civil and military bureaucracy. An extract of his speech gave message to the audience.

“….. This is a challenge to our very existence and if we are to survey as a nation me small here to five the problems with redoubled goal and energy. Our masses are today disorganized, there moral is exceeding low we shall, have to do something to put them out of this state and galvanize them into activity. All throw additional responsibility and Government servants to who can our people are looking for guidance” his words revived the drooping spirits.


Removal of Military From Waziristan and Tribal Areas:

The decision of reduction of force from Waziristan and tribal areas was amply justified by the events, this step earned a considerable increase in the tribal goodwill. Instead of heavy military expenditures Pakistan concentrated on economic amelioration, spread of education and medical relief.


Steps to mitigate tensions with India:

Jinnah’s Government followed a policy of goodwill and friendliness towards India. The two PM’s were able to establish personal support. Jinnah in an Interview, with a Swiss journalist himself offered to enter into an agreement for joint defense.


Transfer of Karachi to Government of Pakistan:

Serious questions of separation of Karachi from Sindh arouse. The Sind his in general and sing government in particular were offered to the transfer of administrative control of Karachi, the capital of Pakistan as well as of Sindh. Jinnah was facing the threat of Direct action and mass agitation nevertheless; he gave his verdict in favor of transfer of Karachi from Sindh to the government of Pakistan. As this was verdict of the father of the nation, not a single world was uttered against it and the issue was settled.


Accession of Kallat:

Apart from being governor general, Jinnah towards the end of his life assured the responsibility for the newly created Ministry of State and Tribal Areas. His memorable achievement in this sphere was setting of the question of accession of the huge borders of the state of kallat which could have given much more trouble in Pakistan than settlement of Hyderabad question brought to India.


Formation to First Cabinet:

Under the leadership of Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan, a loyal lieutenant of Jinnah, was established the first Pakistan Cabinet. This newly formed cabinet armed at the construction of administrative structure and rehabilitation of refuges.


State Band of Pakistan:

He fully realized the financial problems and need for around financial institutions. He therefore, took personal internet in the economic activity of the newly independent state and established SBP. Its functions were specified.


Establishment of the Federal Court:

Being the constitutionalist and apostle of indiscriminate justice, he laid the foundation of federal court at Lahore which later on because the supreme court of Pakistan.


Membership of UNO:

Jinnah was a firm behavior of peaceful existence and fully realized the importance of United Nation (UN) membership for Pakistan’s. It could help Pakistan establish friendly relation with other member states. Therefore Pakistan became the member of UNO.


Relations with Islamic World:

Jinnah was staunch lawyer of Muslim Unity. Even during the freedom movement he supported Palestinians and Indonesian for their right of self-determination. The cornerstone of his foreign policy was solidarity among Muslims. His main emphasis was Middle Eastern Country. He sent delegations to different Islamic countries.

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