Nature of Address to Angels - Haripur Today


Thursday 15 August 2019

Nature of Address to Angels

Nature of Address to Angels
 Allah  Almighty  addressed  angels  not  in  a commanding way, but it was an honorary address, in the same way a king talks on a subject to someone close to him, so as to honour him and show the closeness, and not to make him feel bound.
Allah addressed angels, talked to them but gave no Shariah to follow, because commandments are of two types: dos and don’ts. Dos mean good deeds to accomplish for the betterment  of  humanity  and  donts  mean  bad  deeds  that should be avoided like bullying, stealing, alcohol consumption, taking bribe, deception and adultery etc.

When  angels  do  not  have  any  inclination  to  bad things, it is needless to enjoin them to stay away from them. Were they ordered so; it would be like commanding them of what they could not do. The Divine wisdom is far-reaching and has nothing to do with such silly command. As for the good deeds, angels are forced to do by nature and again need not to be commanded or directed  as  they always  remain obedient and submissive to the Divine will being naturally aware of it without any external guidance.
Eating, drinking and sleeping etc. is natural on our part, and no Shariah is required in this regard as we are naturally forced and directed to manage these things. Likewise, piety, spotless character, purification of body and heart and performance of all righteous acts are quite natural on angels part. So enjoined or not, they have to do only what goes in compliance with Allah’s will. They have, therefore, no Shariah as a guide.

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