Creation Plan of Universe - Haripur Today

Saturday, 20 July 2019


Creation Plan of Universe

Creation Plan of Universe 


Creation Plan of Universe 
In a nutshell, Allah Almighty created the Universe in the from of a marvelous building and a magnificent castle, Wherein He provide with conducive environment to live, Work, Sleep, eat, drink and all that man needs to do. 
with such a unique design and special structure, the world itself proclaims that, undoubtedly, this home equipped with all necessities of life has been meant to be inhibited by a person in need. It is self-evident that home in itself is not a main objective;rather it is built up for someone  to settle down. 
And again it is not built for an ordinary settler, but for the one who can potentially exchuast the life resources found here in abundance, and tidy up place making a mark of his presence; for a home without residents is no less than a desolate place. When we observe the happenings and actions taken on purpose in the world, we conclude that the sensible and wise creatures living  in the world can be categorized only into four types.

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