Havelian - Police Station Nara Limits One person was killed - Haripur Today

Friday, 20 October 2017


Havelian - Police Station Nara Limits One person was killed

A person was killed by firing at the limits of the Nara police station in Stora Valley. Slaughtered name is Arif S/o Lal Khan. A person was killed by firing blindly on the pre-hostility at the limits of the constituencies of Police Station Nara District Abottabad, in Stora Valley. According to the report, the victim's name is Muhammad Arif  S/O Lal Khan, a resident of kingnator tehsile Havelian, the accused escaped from the scene, according to details on the previous annihilation. On the Instruction of DPO Abbottabad, Havlian Police Party Raid to Benazir Bhutto International Airport Islamabad to arrest the suspect Nadeem. The Dead body of Arif Handed over to the relative after the postmartiam. Tehsil Nazim Sardar Arsal Parvez Reached the civil hospital havelian after the incident was reported.
Reported by: Malik Muhammad Ashiq Awan , Awan Colony Haripur Hazara

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